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Close up of a hand french polishing

I currently offer two main options for finishing each Indian Hill Guitar.  The standard finish included in the base price is a sprayed UV Polyester.  It's an absolutely fantastic looking finish with a mirror shine and incredible durability.  I have spent most of my career using the traditional and highly skilled technique of french polishing. This time-intensive process yields a beautifully warm and glossy finish that allows the true nature of the wood to shine both visually and acoustically by adding very little thickness and damping.  Due to the lengthy increase in finishing time, a french polished top or fully polished body are offered as an upgrade.

French polishing is essentially a method of applying a hand rubbed spirit varnish that has been used for hundreds of years and been proven to stand the test of time. Using only shellac flakes and resins dissolved in denatured alcohol, french polishing is a natural and environmentally friendly finishing technique. It was the primary method used for finishing guitars until the advent of sprayed finishes, such as nitrocellulose lacquer, in the 1930's. At this point more production minded guitar factories opted to cut costs by eliminating such a skilled and labor intensive process.

2022 © Michael Kennedy Guitars.  All rights reserved.

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